Degree: MAg, Agricultural & Resource Economics specialization Research Interests: Sustainable development of the natural resource extraction industry and the related environmental and conservation policies. The role of governments on the economics of land use decisions and its environmental and socioeconomic […]
Category: Alumni
Catalina Romero Hernandez
Degree: MSc in Agriculture and Resource Economics Thesis Title: Food Security in Developing Countries: Gender and Spatial Interactions. Catalina_Resume
Sonak Patel
Degree: MSc in Risk and Community Resilience Thesis Title: What determines municipally-owned renewable energy development? Insights from a Mixed-methods study of municipalities in Alberta? Sonak Patel CV
Lindsay Vander Hoek
Degree: MSc in Risk and Community Resilience Thesis Topic: The land is waiting: Movements toward Indigenous-led conservation in northern Alberta
Emilie Zentner
Degree: MSc in Agricultural and Resource Economics Thesis Title: Impacts of Climate Change Risk on Reciprocity in Public Goods Games
Andrea Miller
Degree: MSc in Rural and Environmental Sociology Thesis Title: Building futures: Indigenous-led energy transitions in Alberta Curriculum Vitae
Daniel Schiffner
Degree: MSc in Risk and Community Resilience Thesis Title: Retrofitting Old Oil & Gas Wells for Geothermal Energy Production – Turning a Liability Into an Asset Curriculum Vitae
Chenxi Liu
Degree: MSc in Agricultural and Resource Economics Thesis Title: Economic Analysis of Diversified Cropping Systems Curriculum Vitae
Kalli Herlein
Degree: MSc Agricultural and Resource Economics Thesis Title: The Efficiency of Large Wildfire Suppression in Alberta: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Curriculum Vitae
Kyle Wheeler
Degree: MSc. Agriculture and Resource Economics Thesis Title: The Economics of Rangeland Environmental Improvements Curriculum Vitae